Rebalancing & Holistische massage


To get back in touch with yourself, with who you really are, you can come to my practice. My offer consists of Rebalancing and holistic massage. Respectful touch, presence and focused attention take you from your head to your body and from your body to being. Then you are consciously present and you can listen to your body, your heart and your soul. Because it's all you.


You are more yourself when your head, heart, body and soul are in balance. Nowadays we mainly live in our heads and therefore lose sight of what our heart and soul are going for and what our body has to say. With the help of Rebalancing you will become acquainted with the wisdom of your body in three to five sessions.

The body carries with it all consciously and unconsciously acquired experiences. That is precisely why your body is such a particularly suitable entrance to restore the balance between head and heart, body and soul.

For whom

Are you curious about what your body has to tell you? Do you long for inner peace or personal growth? Then Rebalancing is suitable for you.

Rebalancing is also helpful with tension-related physical complaints, emotional questions, stress and burn-out and processing traumatic events that occurred earlier or later in your life.


My working method is supported by Attention, Presence and Touch.


From the very beginning of our lives, we have been taught to deny and suppress fear, sadness, anger or desire. We avoid not only physical pain but also emotional pain. You try not to feel and start holding your breath.

In doing so, you hide a part of yourself that actually requires your attention. By consciously breathing towards this, you bring your attention back to it. This brings you back into contact with the denied or repressed experience or emotion. Becoming aware of the emotion or experience stored in your body and its possible expression in this way brings space and liveliness to an area where there was previously tension. Because we have learned not to do that, you will be guided during the session.

Where attention goes, prana flows. Yoga term.


Self-examination and meditation help you be more present in the moment. During a self-examination you take the time to observe undisturbed what you are experiencing in your body. What is the felt experience at this moment?

Meditation or a simple 'body scan' helps to relax, feel your body and get in touch with a deeper layer of your consciousness. This can give you the opportunity to perceive yourself differently than in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Self-examination and meditation provide insight into habits and patterns that, often unconsciously, influence and limit your life.

Presence is the state of consciousness of being in the only moment there ever is, the now. Eckhart Tolle.


Touching is a shortcut to feeling. Respectful touch of the body brings relaxation and confidence. And vice versa, trust brings relaxation. In that relaxation, not only skin, muscles and connective tissue are touched, but you, the person living in that body, are also touched.

A respectful touch stimulates self-healing capacity. I invite you to discover this wisdom of your body.

The body says what words cannot. Martha Graham.

Rebalancing session

In a session we discuss what concerns you and what you want to work on. We will then discuss what the options are. We start from what is current and important. A Rebalancing session lasts about an hour and a half, the first time a little longer because we take the time to get to know each other first.

Since sustainable change takes time, it makes sense to do three to five sessions. We then evaluate what it has brought you and what interests you.

Holistic massage

During the holistic massage you are invited to release stress and experience what is going on in your body. I use different massage techniques, depending on what is needed at that moment. The holistic massage focuses on relaxation, energy and balance. It is a massage, and it does not involve exercises, self-examination or meditation. A holistic massage session lasts 75 minutes.