I can imagine that before you make an appointment, you would like to meet me first or have questions about the massage treatment. Please feel free to contact me to speak or inform each other.
The massage practice is located in Dé Plek, Kanaalpark 157 Leiden and is easily accessible by bicycle or public transport and there is (free) parking in front of the door.
Read others' recommendations. They are mainly about trust and dedication. And becoming aware of your own possibilities and obstacles. It is a privilige to share these personal experiences.
Rate Rebalancing
Rebalancing session of one and a half hours: 90 euros.
Rate holistic massage
Holistic massage 75 minutes: 80 euros
Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Satuday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Other days by appointment.
Questions? Make an appointment? Contact me; 06 - 26 23 68 25 Telefoon, WhatsApp, Sms. E-mail: info@meermijzelf.nl.Or use the contact form below.
If you want to cancel an appointment, call or text a message at least 24 hours in advance.